
Our Service Model

Areej Artists Centre is passionate about supporting local artists, whether they are aspiring, emerging, or established. We especially welcome newcomers, immigrants, and refugees. People who are disadvantaged and underserved are high on our priority list.

AAC’s core values are rooted in the principles of excellence, fairness, respect, and value for others. We work tirelessly to make a difference and to support our artists in achieving the highest quality of life, including the promotion and marketing of their work.


Seniors Programs

Our Program Our program aims to:

Give seniors the opportunity to meet with other seniors from similar cultural backgrounds. Facilitate and promote active participation of seniors in their community. Encourage cross-cultural exchange through storytelling and other artistic expressions. Provide a wide range of experiences as well as the opportunity for seniors to share their talents. Promote intergenerational connections, youth and seniors working together to build community capacity, leadership as well as to increase the support for seniors in the community. Help seniors discover new ways to connect with their community to prevent social isolation.


Kids Programs

Every Saturday we are delighted to have the Drop-in @ Areej:

They are based around allowing kids to discover themselves & the world around them, focusing on interests & talents, building their confidence and self-esteem through drawing and painting.

We believed all kids need to begin engaging in the pleasure of these simple yet inspiring drawing projects are a pencil and paper.

Along the way, new materials are introduced, giving kids the opportunity to experiment with new techniques. Each of the three main chapters—drawing from life, drawing from images, and inventive drawing—focuses on techniques to explore, such as observation, mark-making, shadow, line, composition, detail, contour, and perspective. Drawing Workshop for Kids strives to inspire children to investigate drawing and develop their own approach to art, building creativity and confidence


Our Programs

Our programs help to inspire interest in the arts and enrich the cultural and artistic climate of our local communities. We offer Art Education Programs, Art Events, and Community Art Projects. Our programs seek to embrace and celebrate the cultural and artistic diversity of the arts community in Toronto, especially in the East End.


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